General Chemistry IV (Tam)

180 Original price was: ₹180.126Current price is: ₹126.

ISBN: 978-81-983115-9-7


Thermodynamics I
Terminology – Intensive, extensive variables, state, path functions; isolated, closed and open systems; isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, isochoric, cyclic, reversible and irreversible processes; First law of thermodynamics – Concept and significance of heat (q), work (w), internal energy (E), enthalpy (H); calculations of q, w, E and H for reversible, irreversible expansion of ideal and real gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions; relation between heat capacities (Cp & Cv);
Joule Thomson effect- inversion temperature Thermochemistry – heats of reactions, standard states; types of heats of reactions and their applications; effect of temperature (Kirchhoff’s equations) and pressure on enthalpy of reactions; Hess’s law and its applications; determination of bond energy; Measurement of heat of reaction –determination of calorific value of food and fuels
Zeroth law of thermodynamics-Absolute Temperature scale.

Unit II
Thermodynamics II
Second Law of thermodynamics – Limitations of first law, spontaneity and
randomness; Carnot’s cycle; Concept of entropy, entropy change for reversible and irreversible processes, entropy of mixing, calculation of entropy changes of an ideal gas and a van der Waals gas with changes in temperature, volume and pressure, entropy and disorder.
Free energy and work functions – Need for free energy functions, Gibbs free energy, Helmholtz free energy – their variation with temperature, pressure and volume, criteriafor spontaneity; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation – derivations and applications; Maxwell relationships,thermodynamic equations of state; Thermodynamics of mixing of ideal
gases, Ellingham Diagram-application. Third law of thermodynamics – Nernst heat theorem; Applications of third law – evaluation of absolute entropies from heat capacity measurements, exceptions to third law.

General Characteristics of d-block elements
Transition Elements- Electronic configuration – General periodic trend variable valency, oxidation states, stability of oxidation states, colour, magnetic properties,catalytic properties and tendency to form complexes. Comparative study of transition elements and non transition elements – comparison of II and III transition series with I transition series. Group study of Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron,Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc groups

Ethers, Thio ethers and Epoxides
Nomenclature, isomerism, general methods of preparations, reactions involving cleavage of C-O linkages, alkyl group and ethereal oxygen. Zeisel’s method of estimation of methoxy group. Reactions of epoxides with alcohols, ammonia derivatives and LiAH4 Thioethers – nomenclature, structure, preparation, properties and uses.
Aldehydes and Ketones Nomenclatue, structure and reactivity of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes and ketones; general methods of preparation and physical properties. Nucleophilic addition reactions, base catalysed reactions with mechanism- Aldol, Cannizzaro’s reaction, Perkin reaction, Benzoin condensation, Haloform reaction, Knoevenagel reaction. Oxidation of aldehydes. Baeyer – Villiger oxidation of ketones. Reduction:
Clemmensen reduction, Wolf – Kishner reduction, Meerwein – Pondorf Verley reduction, reduction with LiAlH4 and NaBH4.
Addition reactions of unsaturated carbonyl compounds: Michael addition.

Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, structure, preparation and reactions of aliphatic and aromatic monocarboxylic acids. Physical properties, acidic nature, effect of substituent on acidic strength. HVZ reaction, Claisen ester condensation, Bouveault Blanc reduction, decarboxylation,
Hunsdieckerreaction.Formic acid-reducing property.
Reactions of dicarboxylic acids, hydroxy acids and unsaturated acids.
Carboxylic acid Derivatives: Preparations of aliphatic and aromatic acid chlorides, esters, amides and anhydrides. Nucleophilic substitution reaction at the acyl carbon of acyl halide, anhydride, ester, amide. Schottan- Baumann reaction. Claisen condensation, Dieckmann and Reformatsky reactions, Hofmann bromamide degradation and Curtius rearrangement. Active methylene compounds: Keto – enol tautomerism. Preparation and synthetic applications of diethyl malonate and ethyl acetoacetate Halogen substituted acids – nomenclature; preparation by direct halogenation, iodination from unsaturated acids, alkyl malonic acids
Hydroxy acids – nomenclature; preparation from halo, amino, aldehydic and ketonic acids, ethylene glycol, aldol acetaldehyde; reactions – action of heat on ,  and hydroxy acids.

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