Pedagogy of Maths II (Tam)

250 Original price was: ₹250.175Current price is: ₹175.

ISBN : 978-81-971378-4-6

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Pedagogy of Maths II


Unit – I  Pedagogical analysis
Paradigm shit from pedagogy to andragogy to Heutagogy – Concept
and stages – Critical Pedagogy: Meaning Foster independent thinking
through critical pedagogy, Need and its implications in Teacher
Education, Interaction Analysis: Flanders’ Interaction analysis,
Galloway’s system of interaction analysis (Recording of Classroom
Events, Construction and Interpretation of Interaction Matrix).

Unit – II   Teaching models
Bloom’s Mastery Learning, Skinner’s Operant Training, Brunner’s
Concept attainment, Ausubel’s Advance Organizer, Glaser’s Basic
Teaching (Classroom Meeting), Byron Massials and and Benjamin
cox’s social inquiry, Carl Roger’s Non – directive and William
Gordon’s Synectics Models.

Activity – based and group controlled instruction
Activity Based Instruction: Concept, Classification – Role Play,
Simulation, Incident method, Case study Method, Gaming and
Prioritisation exercises. Group Controlled Instruction: Concept,
Definition and Importance of Group Controlled Instruction – Types of Group Controlled Instruction: Group Interactive sessions, Co-
operative Learning methods, Group investigation, Group Project.

Resource based learning
Defining Educational Resource and Resource Centre (Area),
Resource Bank, Resource Island, Resource Peninsula – Types of
Resources, Users and their Role in a resource centre: Teacher,
Learners and Technical staff.

Assessment in pedagogy of mathematics
Criteria for Teacher Evaluation Concept of Test, Measurement and
Evaluation – Differentiate between Assessment and Evaluation
– Standardization of Test, Principles and steps involved in the
construction of achievement test – Blue Print and Question Pattern
Feedback Devices: Assessment of Portfolios, Reflective Journal,
Field Engagement using Rubrics, Competency Based Evaluation.


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250 Original price was: ₹250.175Current price is: ₹175.