”Make everything as simple as possible ,but not simple ‘,With the fast changing connected world ,computer science is a key area for future careers across the computer author hopes that this book will be useful for B.Ed computer Science students . This book is based on the new syllabus of Tamil nadu teachers education university , chennai .The focus of this book is on providing resources and ideas to help B.Ed student teacher of semester I whose optional subject is computer science .This book consists of five units like Aims and objectives of Teaching Computer Science, Teaching skills, Approaches of teaching ,methods of teaching and Instructional Media .
I thank all the authors of the books from which I freely picked up some of the points for my reference .my sincere thanks to Sri Krishna Publications, who efficiently typed several drafts of this book .I will be very gratefull to my parents Mr.N.Thirumanikandan and Mrs.N.Nageswari and my husband Mr.N.Swaminathan and my dear sons who gave their loving support to complete my work.
It is essential to acknowledge the substantial help that I received from my friends and family .their constructive comments on the previous versions of this book led to many improvements. Any suggestions towards its further improvement will be thankfully acknowledged and incorporated in the next edition.
Warm Wishes,
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