Teaching and learning (Tam) – B.Ed

280 Original price was: ₹280.190Current price is: ₹190.

First   Edition  : January 2018

Second Edition :Jun 2022

ISBN  :  978-93-86547-80-4


































This book Teaching  and Learning is an inclusive book written and planned with the greatest care bearing in mind the needs of the student and educators .This book is divided into five units The idea in this book provide suggestions that will help in this extensive range of standards .unit one –Education psychology and human growth and –development, unit two –Attention ,perception,and memory .unit three is Motivation and learning, unit four –Is intelligence and creativity, and unit five –Is personality.

All the topic in the book are covered broadly and enhanced with explanatory illustration the simple language used throughout the book will help graduate and post –graduate students,and teacher educators in grasping the concept and theory of the subject .this book is written between the great difficulties do not copy it ,do not encourage Xerox.

I express my sincere thanks to Dr.G.Pazhanivelu Department of Education in Tamil University,Thanjavur, Tamilnadu has encouraged me to complete thuis book within the stipulated .

I owe my heartfelt  thanks to our college secretary, S.Senthilkumar , E.G.S . Pillay Group of Institution, Nagapattinam for his moral support of this book published.

I am very thankful to my friend Dr.S.Anandaraja for encouraging me to continue writing books.

I express my deepest gratitude to my wife Dr.K.Mahasakthi who helped me in writing this book ,my beloved daughter K.miruthula ,my younger sister M.Siva who helped me ,and my sister  daughters B.Barkavi,B.Vaishnavi, and B.Vandhana.

I would like to extend my appreciation to the people at Sri Krishna publication  for their wholehearted support in producing my  book .To all them  my major thanks for their efforts to make my books best sellers. Suggestions for improvement will be gratefully acknowledged.

And in the interest of students…







280 Original price was: ₹280.190Current price is: ₹190.