Web Designing(Tam)

210 Original price was: ₹210.147Current price is: ₹147.

Unit I HTML & HTML Tags Introduction to HTML: HTML editors-HTML5- HTML Elements & Attributes. HTML Tags -Page Formatting Tags: DOCTYPE Tag- html tag- head, title, body, meta, script, style tags Text Formatting Tags: Heading Tags- Paragraph Tags- Horizontal rules- Line breaksSuperscript- Subscript- Underline- Italic- Bold- Emphasis- del tags HTML List Tags: Unordered List- Ordered List-Definition List HTML Link Tags & attributes- HTML Table Tags: table, th, tr, td, colspan, rowspan 3 1. Write a HTML code to display welcome text using different text formatting tags.(Use h1-h6, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough,div,p,pre tags) (HTML Basic tags) 6 2. Design a HTML page to list the computer languages where each language is a link.Prepare separate HTML documents for each language and call them in the appropriate link. (Lists and Links) 6 Unit II HTML & CSS HTML Document Layout Tags: header, footer, main, section tags HTML Media Tags- Images- tags & attributes, Image Mapping using


tags – background images- Other media tags- 

Unit III JavaScript
Scripting Languages: Client Side Scripting- Server Side Scripting- Need for javascript –
structure of javascript – Variables- Datatypes- String- Number- Boolean- UndefinedNull
JavaScript Objects: Array- String- Date- Math- Number- Boolean- User Defined Objects.
Operators: Arithmetic – Assignment – Comparison – String – Logical – Bitwise – Ternary –
Conditional Statements: if, if-else, else-if, switch. Loop statements- for, while, dowhile- break- continue statements.
JavaScript functions: definition- parameters-function call- function invocation
6. Write a JavaScript program to create a clock in 24 hours format using Date Object.
(Do not include AM/PM) (JavaScript Objects and Functions)
7. Write a JavaScript program to control (play, pause, stop) the audio/video in a web
page. (JavaScript User defined Objects and Media Tags)
Unit IV JavaScript Advanced
Forms: Form tag- action, method, target, auto complete attributes, input tag, type
attribute values- text, radio, checkbox, button, submit, password, other attributes for
input tag -id, name, value , size, required. Special tags in forms -textarea tag, select
tag, button tag, label tag.
Message Boxes: Dialog Box- Alert Box- Confirm Box- Prompt Box
JavaScript Document Object Model: Methods of Document object- Javascript EventsEvent Handlers- Mouse events- Keyboard Events- Form Events- Window Events
JavaScript Form Validation- Email validation
8. Write a JavaScript program to change the color of a web page to the color typed by
the user in the text box. (DOM)
9.Write a JavaScript program to develop a simple calculator (with basic arithmetic
operations like add, subtract, multiply, divide, equal to) by getting two` numbers in two
text boxes, buttons for operations and display the result in the third text box. (Event

10. Create a form with text fields such as username, mail id, password, retype
password, gender (radio), languages known (check box), Describe yourself (textarea),
submit button and perform form validation such as username must not be less than
8 characters, mail id should contain @ symbol, password and retype password must
be the same. (Forms & Form validation)

210 Original price was: ₹210.147Current price is: ₹147.